Связь login form register html. HTML Формы

Login form design is really important for any website. We collected some responsive login page template free download. The login form is a part of a website. When we go to a website and want to full access need to signup and login. Any website’s login form can be found on any side of the website. It will be right or left side. No website without login and signup form is complete. So it is important for any website. It is very difficult to create a login form through HTML CSS without a professional developer.

HTML is a structure and CSS is design. HTML5 and CSS3 is the updated version for designing. Some of the login forms created through this update coding can be downloaded directly. The developer shared this form free. These can be used for any personal needs or business.

Use this responsive login page template free and you can build your self. You can customize and change any colors or style. You can also connect your database, jquery. So this login template is really useful and important.

We have shared this post some free login form templates html5 css3. This collection will be increased. We are trying to collecting more login page template bootstrap.

Material Design Form

This login form is looking really awesome and simple. You can edit and change interface color. Simple design but very professional.


When you need to design any application login form you can use this Material Design Login Form. It will be perfect for your application.


Animated login template has a big demand. If you want to use it your profession. This Animated SVG Avatar login form is better for you.

DEMO DOWNLOAD Login form shake effect

This is a simple login form and it has some effect and uses your professional business.

DEMO DOWNLOAD CSS3 Animation Cloud and login form

If you have cloud business or planning for any type of cloud business you can use this CSS3 Animation Cloud and login form.

DEMO DOWNLOAD Clean login form

This is a very clean design and name also same Clean login form. Use this form your clean website.


This login form designed HTML5 and use for your best website.

DEMO DOWNLOAD Login Form CSS only validation


DEMO DOWNLOAD Batman login form

DEMO DOWNLOAD Login Form with Materializecss

DEMO DOWNLOAD Angular Material Login Form

DEMO DOWNLOAD Responsive Login Form

DEMO DOWNLOAD Responsive Login Form

DEMO DOWNLOAD Simple Flat Form with Spinning Loader

DEMO DOWNLOAD Login to Everdwell

Here is an example of html login page code. In this example, we have displayed one text field, Password, Reset button and Login button. We have used Reset button that resets all fields to blank.We have used JavaScript validation in Login page. We have set username and password value.

Here is an example of html login page code. In this example, we have displayed one text field, Password, Reset button and Login button. We have used Reset button that resets all fields to blank.We have used JavaScript validation in Login page. We have set username and password value.

Here is an example of html login page code. In this example, we have displayed one text field, Password, Reset button and Login button. We have used Reset button that resets all fields to blank. We have used JavaScript validation in Login page. We have set username and password value. If a person enter a wrong username or password or both, an error message with "Error: Incorrect Username or Password" will be displayed. Till the person enters the correct username and password, it will not Login.

Once you enter the correct Username and Password, you will be redirected to another page.

Login page is used in most of the dynamic website to validate user based on their credentials. For making login page for websites HTML form and HTML elements are used. Text field is used to accept username and password text field is used to accept password from user.

The submit button is used for submitting data to server for validation. Its good to validate user input in the browser using JavaScript. In this tutorial we are creating a HTML Login page code and validating user input with JavaScript. In modern web application server-side validation is also very important it is done on server side with the program running on the server.

Here is video tutorial:

But in this tutorial you will learn to create a login page in HTML and validate user input with JavaScript. View demo of HTML Login page .

Here is the screen shot of the the login page we are making:

This login page displays Username, Password text fields and then buttons for reset and Login. Once user enters the data and clicks on the Login button, JavaScript is used to validate the form and error message is displayed if validation fails.

HTML Login page with JavaScript Validation

Login Page

HTML Login Page
function check(form) { if(form.userid.value == "Roseindia" && form.pwd.value == "Roseindia") { return true; } else { alert("Error Password or Username") return false; } }

DesignMaz have collected list of the best CSS /HTML Login Form Templates for Web Designers, Developers that they can download and use to create a form and most of them also have pre built HTML validation features as well as some option jQuery validation (like the Login /Register form with pass meter below).

Free Responsive Flat Login Form Widget Template

Free Responsive Flat New Login Form Widget Template for your websites. This Login form is designed using web technologies such as . It is completely free for download and can be use for your website or application sign in.

Forms PlusPopFormsFlat Form with Bootstrap 3

This is a flat modern css3 design based on Booststrap 3 Framework. Responsive design with multi-color multipurpose web forms with pure css3.

Responsive Static Login Form HTML5 Template

Free Responsive Static Login Form HTML5 CSS3 Template. You can download this HTML CSS Sign In Widget which can be used in you web projects.

Free Responsive Flat and Clean Login Form Template

A Responsive Flat and Clean Login Form HTML Template designed using web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3. You can free download and use for your website or application sign in.

Responsive Flat Purple Login Form Template

A free Responsive Flat Purple Login Form Template built with HTML5, and CSS3. It is completely free for download and can be used straight away in your website or app.

Bootstrap login with social buttons

Any Twitter Bootstrap developer will love these free Responsive Bootstrap login form template with social buttons . This Responsive Bootstrap login form template is a Simple and Clean login form website template base on Bootstrap 3.1.0 .

Easy to use the beautiful and colorful css login form for their own website. Simply insert into the existing CSS file and enjoy the new CSS login form . Created with rounded corners and nice look. It degrades nicely on older browsers, e.g. IE7 and IE8.

MetroLogin is a Windows 8’s Login form simulator that gives you this ability to make a login page for your website’s users or a login Page for your admin panel with a nice metro design.

Twitter Inspired Login Form – Jquery

This is a drop down login form similar to the one found on twitter. It comes complete with JavaScript , CSS and HTML . Just like Twitters login in form it comes with enhancements like tooltips and a compact login form and a clicked state button. It uses CSS3 to reduce the need for images and it degrades nicely in non CSS browsers. It has great browser support and works in most modern browsers and even older ones like Internet explorer 6 and 7.

This is clean and pleasant designed login & register HTML user interface with error handling and social buttons.

Clean and usable login & register form is for every developer. It’s very fast pure CSS . Error handling states, social buttons and forgotten password state is in there.

Zi-Popup Login Forms – Pure CSS3

Clean and usable login & register form is for every developer. It’s very fast CSS form with jQuery validation. Error handling, social buttons and forgotten password handling is in there. Bring to live with a jQuery.

Minimalistic Login/Register Form + Live Validation

Minimalistic Designed Login , Register and Forgot Template Forms Pack. Packed with jQuery Live Validation, 7 color styles, 3 different form size options, title animation, custom checkbox, tooltip hints and jQuery Error Handling.

Summer Forms – Login And Registration Forms

Summer Forms are coupled login and registration forms having a set of impressing effects bundled with the bright modern design. The flexibility of these responsive forms Summer Forms may be become the first brick of your new web site or may be just a replacement of your old forms . Every year the people get more exacting. The forms are well thought out and may satisfy any user.

Not so long ago, in order to achieve such effects, we used JS. But, now, CSS3 has all the necessary tools for making pop-up windows too.

Moon Forms – Login & Registration CSS Forms

Moon Forms are coupled login and registration forms having a modern design. The flexibility of these responsive forms allows placing it into any area on your site (like a widget, like a popup window, like a standalone page).

Tab and form developed by using only CSS3 , no javascript used. It is simple , clean and browser compatible. Very Easy to implement on any kind of website.

Features a large collection of form styles that are used regularly in websites. You get Search Forms , Login Forms , Contact Forms and General Form styles. Further all these forms are available in Dark and Light coloured versions, so you get a total of 224 form styles! The login , contact and general forms also have focus and validation error styles defined in the css.

Form Framework that strikes a balance between simplicity and elegance.CSS3 Responsive Forms kit is simple, clean and fresh modern form pack develop using bootstrap .

Day/Night Login Page

Day / Night Login Forms – has the net and unique design. In the kit you get 2 folder with 6 forms. In two colors white and dark. As in the kit includes 4 style buttons. Thanks to the Day / Night Login Forms developers can save time and money on developing the design. And the designers can see an example of the correct organization of layers.

Is a set of beautiful form elements. It has large amount of customized items, different color schemes, responsive grid system and allows you to create forms of any complexity and for any needs: login , registration , contacts , review , order , comment , checkout , etc.

Nice, clean and easy to use CSS3 login panel which 3 included color schemes.

Golden Forms – Responsive CSS3 Form Framework

Golden Forms is a simple and professional Form Framework that strikes a balance between simplicity and elegance. The framework is built with pure CSS3 + HTML5 (no images), features a clean consistent Form UI , responsive 12 column grid, and can be used to build any kind of Web Forms quickly whether simple or complex, without special CSS and coding knowledge.

– has a clean design and a powerfull 3D Flip Effect which give user a unique exprince and a fast way to complete the process . In the kit you get 1 psd file with 3 forms styes.

Responsive HTML5 – jQuery Sign In – Registration Form

Responsive HTML5 Sign In / Registration form , with jQuery effects and CSS3 customization.

Here is an example of Registration form using HTML. Here a programmer can display as many "Text Field" as he/she wants. The name in front of Text Field is called "Label". At the end of the registration form their is a "ADD" button behnd which any desired link can be used. Once clicked it will redirect to that particular destination.

Here is an example of Registration form using HTML. Here a programmer can display as many "Text Field" as he/she wants. The name in front of Text Field is called "Label". At the end of the registration form their is a "ADD" button behnd which any desired link can be used. Once clicked it will redirect to that particular destination. HTML Code for registration form

Here is an example of Registration form using HTML. Here a programmer can display as many "Text Field" as he/she wants. The name in front of Text Field is called "Label". At the end of the registration form their is a "ADD" button behnd which any desired link can be used. Once clicked it will redirect to that particular destination.

In this example we have shown 9 "Text Field". Size of the Text Box can also be changed as per the requirement.


registration form Registration form

About Us:

Сама форма обычно предназначена для получения от пользователя информации для дальнейшей пересылки её на сервер, где данные формы принимает программа-обработчик. Такая программа может быть написана на любом серверном языке программирования вроде PHP, Perl и др. Адрес программы указывается в атрибуте action тега , как показано в примере 1.

Пример 1. Отправка данных формы

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Данные формы

В этом примере данные формы, обозначенные атрибутом name (login и password ), будут переданы в файл по адресу /example/handler.php. Если атрибут action не указывать, то передача происходит на адрес текущей страницы.

Передача на сервер происходит двумя разными методами: GET и POST, для задания метода в теге используется атрибут method , а его значениями выступают ключевые слова get и post . Если атрибут method не задан, то по умолчанию данные отправляются на сервер методом GET. В табл. 1 показаны различия между этими методами.

Какой метод используется легко определить по адресной строке браузера. Если в ней появился вопросительный знак и адрес стал похож на этот, то это точно GET.


Уникальное сочетание параметров в адресной строке однозначно идентифицирует страницу, так что страницы с адресами?q=node/add и?q=node считаются разными. Эту особенность используют системы управления контентом (CMS, Content management system) для создания множества страниц сайта. В реальности же используется один файл, который получает запрос GET и согласно ему формирует содержимое документа.

Ниже перечислены типовые области применения этих методов на сайтах.


Передача небольших текстовых данных на сервер; поиск по сайту.

Поисковые системы, формы поиска по сайту всегда отправляются методом GET, это позволяет делиться результатами поиска с друзьями, слать ссылку по почте или выкладывать её на форуме.


Пересылка файлов (фотографий, архивов, программ и др.); отправка комментариев; добавление и редактирование сообщений на форуме, блоге.

Работа с формой по умолчанию происходит в текущей вкладке браузера, при этом допустимо при отправке формы изменить этот параметр и открывать обработчик формы в новой вкладке или во фрейме. Такое поведение задаётся через «имя контекста», которое выступает значением атрибута target тега . Популярные значения это _blank для открытия формы в новом окне или вкладке, и имя фрейма, которое задаётся атрибутом name тега (пример 2).

Пример 2. Открытие формы во фрейме

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Использование фрейма

В данном примере при нажатии на кнопку «Отправить» результат отправки формы открывается во фрейме с именем area .

Элементы формы традиционно располагаются внутри тега , тем самым определяя те данные, которые будут передаваться на сервер. В то же время в HTML5 есть возможность отделить форму от её элементов. Это сделано для удобства и универсальности, так, сложный макет может содержать несколько форм, которые не должны пересекаться меж собой или к примеру, некоторые элементы выводятся с помощью скриптов в одном месте страницы, а сама форма находится в другом. Связь между формой и её элементами происходит в таком случае через идентификатор формы, а к элементам следует добавить атрибут form со значением, равным этому идентификатору (пример 3).

Пример 3. Связывание формы с полями

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В этом примере тег однозначно отождествляется через идентификатор auth , а к полям, которые следует отправить с помощью формы, добавляется form="auth" . При этом поведение элементов не меняется, при нажатии на кнопку логин и пароль пересылаются на обработчик handler.php.

Хотя параметры передачи формы традиционно указываются в теге , их можно перенести и в кнопки отправки формы ( и ). Для этого применяется набор атрибутов formaction , formmethod , formenctype и formtarget , которые являются аналогами соответствующих атрибутов без приставки form. В примере 4 показано использование этих атрибутов.

Пример 4. Отправка формы

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Отправка формы

Все новые атрибуты форм не поддерживаются некоторыми браузерами, в частности, Internet Explorer и Safari.